CTG and Sovereign form partnership to upgrade digital infrastructure technology across portfolio of homes
Sovereign Housing Association has partnered with Complete Technology Group [...]
Sovereign Housing Association has partnered with Complete Technology Group [...]
CTG's Fire Technical Manager, Simon Phillips, discusses the changes to fire door guidance in the Fire Safety (England) 2022 Regulations, and what this means for Landlords.
New UK legislation increases pressures for landlords, giving further Code powers to telcos to access leasehold property.
One Housing's approach to supporting people to live well [...]
Complete Technology Group (CTG) is delighted to welcome the experience and knowledge of two industry experts to the Board as Non-Executive Directors, as the new digital infrastructure specialist start-up continues to grow apace.
Complete Technology Group (CTG) is preparing to improve the broadband capability of 700,000 homes across the UK after securing £125m investment from InfraRed Capital Partners (InfraRed).
Clive Ormerod from OMS, the H&S and Compliance Consultancy, talks about legislation changes following the Grenfell tragedy and addresses the huge challenges facing landlords and those involved in building management.
CTG and A2Dominion have signed an Internet Connectivity Service Contract
CTG has signed a service agreement with Orbit to deliver fibre to the home
The accreditation was awarded for CTG's health and safety standards