Digital connectivity that’s safe, high quality, compliant and futureproof

We’re here to help landlords and telecoms providers make digital inclusion happen. Acting as the bridge, our multi-disciplinary team makes the process faster, safer, and futureproof.

There is no charge to landlords or residents for our services. Costs are met through the fibre network leasing fee paid by telecommunications companies, charged at a fair market rate.

Why digital connectivity is critical

The UK Government has set a target for at least 85% of UK premises to have access to gigabit-broadband by 2025. Improved digital connectivity means a more productive economy, as well as enabling remote access to services.

We are helping create a world where everyone can enjoy safe, high-quality, ultra-fast digital connectivity in their homes. This gives people access to online opportunities in education, employment and their community, so they can live life well and reach their potential.

We’re changing things – fast

The Government’s Social Housing White Paper requires housing associations to ensure residents have access to gigabit-enabled, reliable and safely installed broadband services by 2025.

The scale and pace of change demanded is unprecedented, and resource and capacity are finite. CTG drives progress by acting as the bridge between landlords and telecoms companies, helping all parties achieve their objectives.

We make it safe

We audit and manage digital infrastructure provision on behalf of landlords, enabling high quality broadband installation into homes.

We make it easy

We provide a route design and management service, planning and agreeing suitable equipment locations on behalf of landlords, and then inspecting installations once work is complete. We hold providers to account and ensure all work is carried out to the highest regulatory standards.

We make it happen

Landlords can choose the building to home, multi-fibre digital infrastructure solution provided by Complete Fibre.

Building to home

Complete Fibre, the independent installation arm of CTG Group, is a building to home digital infrastructure service. It exists to improve digital inclusion for thousands of multi-occupancy and social housing homes including high-rise blocks, across the UK.

Complete Fibre does all of the hard work for telecommunications providers, creating the fibre optic infrastructure for multiple broadband operators to quickly, easily and safely plug in to the system within a building, offering digital connectivity choices to every resident in the block.

This approach removes the need for multiple installations by different companies, reducing disruption for residents, CO2 emissions and wider environmental impacts. And having fewer installations protects building integrity and lowers the risk of fire, too.

The service comes to landlords at no cost: access to the fibre network is leased by Complete Fibre to telecommunications companies at a fair market rate.

Just as for any installer of digital infrastructure, the Complete Fibre solution is independently audited by CTG. We hold Complete Fibre to account against recognised national standards, in a fully transparent and documented process.