Social Tariffs: Bridging the Digital Divide for Low-Income Families and MDUs
What are Social Tariffs?
As the digital world continues to evolve, it is essential to bridge the gap in society and ensure that everyone has access to internet services. Digital connectivity is crucial for accessing essential services such as remote working, education and even health care.
Social tariffs are discounted broadband packages that providers offer to people that are in low-income families or on certain benefits.
Which Providers offer Social Tariffs and what do they offer?
There are several providers who offer social tariff packages. The prices vary considerably, as do the speeds, but many offer very good value to those who qualify.
The speeds that are offered by social tariffs may not rival premium packages that promise ultrafast speeds and connection; however, they are able to support essential online activities for individuals and families who may be unable to afford the premium options.
Issues encountered especially within MDUs (Blocks of flats)
Historically MDUs have been a forgotten or overlooked piece of the connectivity jigsaw. A large majority of MDUs have historically come with several challenges when it comes to upgrading them to full fibre:
Risk – MDUs by their nature each very different in their size, age and make up (including issues such as asbestos)
Cost – The complexity of the build and the additional resources often required can make MDUs seem like less cost-effective installation options for providers.
Access and Governance – Due to the risk of MDUs, quite rightly, Landlords need to ensure the right governance, accreditations and documentation is in place with providers, before facilitating access and permits to work in their buildings.
The Importance of Awareness and Accessibility
For broadband providers, social tariffs are not just a corporate responsibility, they are an opportunity to make a difference for the lives of millions. For residents living in blocks of flats, these packages can be the lifeline they need, ensuring that their financial hardship doesn’t translate into digital exclusion.
In order for social tariffs to make a difference, awareness amongst residents is essential. A collaboration between Landlords and providers in communicating what social tariffs are is a vital part of ensuring not only do residents have access to full fibre but also are fully aware of the packages available to them.
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